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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/21 in all areas

  1. Ign : aienma Server : silver I want all my flex to be ot but my favorite poke is beedril so i have to add him enjoy
    43 points
  2. TEAM GOLD SERVER!! ign- chonky make sure to drop a <3 reaction cuz i know u won’t be seeing anything more impress than this BAD BOY!!!
    27 points
  3. GOLD IGN: Dafcon Yooo lesgo Gold the grind never stops! May the force be with ya.
    22 points
  4. GOLD SERVER TEAM it will be a ot flex: Caught on the gold server it was the second scyther pink of the server at the time when it was complicated to find for those who remember (Red server) Hp ice chanlure 31/31
    18 points
  5. IGN: CapriFame/Paddie Team: Gold Server Sorry I flex only OT, imagine buying yourself a shiny/form OU team smh
    17 points
  6. Silver server: Easy W for me best legendaries in the game 1 rr for zapdos 2 Halloween rerolls for lati 4 rerolls for manaphy
    17 points
  7. Red server masterrace (silver) 2x regice, no staff rewards, no bug abuse No reroll kyurem
    17 points
  8. 17 points
  9. Server GOLD Top 2 Shiny (ot) Top 3 Pink (ot) Top 3 Pvp Pokemon (ot) Top 3 fail Sync Pokemon My real top 3 so : After more than Years and more than thousand hours my only goal was this dude, i got 3 pinkthers 1shiny scyther before this cute dude the story is i spent maybe more than 20k sr (i didnt count) with this guy on target i never got him But years later without repel when i was farming weedle i was like go pinkan farm weedle and maybe on a misunderstanding I can drop the pinkboy and i did it special mention to my pinkteam @PinkRalts(pinkralts when ???) @Pinkther
    15 points
  10. Team Silver Server ^-^ Only OT is cool ~ My entry: Observe how the Charizard is caught in a Great Ball cause I didnt have a Masterball. kek Honorable mentions:
    15 points
  11. FROM GOLD (To make sure the 3pkmn rule is followed, consider only empo shieldon & chansey, the rest is for flex purpose only) Shiny OT gang Event OT WALL PVP OT Monters Maybe you didn't see but they're all OT BONUS (cuz i like flexing)
    14 points
  12. Gold server shiny ot Gang: My sir Gaydevoir caught in februar 2017 after 8 month of shasse with repel. My second high tier shiny OT: caught in the first safari event when solosis have a spawn in Safari Area 2, full lucky caught without repel. My third high shiny OT caught in 2019 when i repel pink scyther after 1000h+ farming (Ironically without having caught pink scyther lmao but i caught 3 pink munchlax and the shiny one) the ada sync fail. And my last baby OT caught 3 months ago when i farm the pink one. My sir gaydevoir fail sync as always with my ralts event (I caught 8 ralts HW and 2 Ralts XMAS he synchro only one time lmao but i have a big gaydevoir army) ironically I still haven't caught a pink ralts like pink scyther lol. Sorry I can't choose only 3 shiny among the 4 here. x)
    14 points
  13. Gold IGN : Godzer First one is my lucario. It was in 2018, I played 1100h and I was farming in Pal Park which was the best spawn for shiny hunting before. The second one is my Greninja. It was the same year in summer, at this time I had 1700h hrs in playtime. I was learning how to ride my discount lapras mount when a Froakie similar to other ones appears and suddenly stars from the sky appears. Ofc I sold it and I tried to rebuy it after and achieve it thanks to @Pinklax. The third one is Scolipede. He spawned in February 2020, 3500 hrs, day 1 of repel release. Even if she is trash af, she still outspeed heatran... meh PS : EZ
    14 points
  14. Gold Here are my babies. My top 3 is : Pinsir, Diancie and Gyarados. But let me put some others See ya
    14 points
  15. IGN - pikatranier786 silver server Zapdos - 1 locked iv reroll and 2 normal iv rr Latias - first catch
    13 points
  16. Gold vs Silver Which really is the best? Bring out your best Flexes up to three. Let's find out which server has the best Pokémon ,and settle it once ,and for all! Start Date: 5/14/2021 - End Date: 5/31/2021 6 P.M EST (Puns are welcome as well) What is this post? A declaration of challenge to silver! Let's compare our Pokémon in an all out flexing competition the likes of PRO has never seen ,and settle the battle once ,and for all! How do I participate? State which server your from ,and Flex your top three Pokémon in the forum below ,and show the strength of your server! Then like people's posts from your server! Like= Feel Free to tell your story with your Pokémon How do we know who wins? The top 10 posts of flexes that are liked (Blue hearts) will count as a point. The point is awarded to the server of the flexer. The end post breakdown will announce the top flexers ,and over-all winners. (If there is a 5/5 Split on the very top posts the 11th top post will decide the winner) Is there a prize? 15 CC will be given out to the (Winning servers) top 15 posts. 1 Per top 15. (I will transfer to silver ,and concede if Gold miraculously loses ugh..Silver. More will be given out if we reach the post goals) The top posts MUST be a post that flexes one of there Pokémon in order to be eligible for rewards. Banter ,and off comments is what drives the passion for this war, but in order to win a prize you must participate in the flex war with your own submission! Rules Only one post per person will count towards the ranks. If you have multiple posts in top ten it wont count. Please submit one to three pokes for the competition. Feel free to talk about Gold/ Silver Loyalty ,and excitement in this thread you can say other things besides just posting the all-mighty flexes. (Likes are the Blue hearts) Have Fun. (All rewards will be given out after the competition is over.) Discord is Gin#3234 (Only the Poke Flex posts that are liked will count towards the Top 10 posts to decide the over-all winner if someone reaches into the top 10 with a comment like Nice. It wont count for the competition) Note: My Flex does not count towards the gold team (so my likes aren't counted) ,but be prepared for our all-mighty GOLD standard SILVER! NOTE: IF WE GO OVER A CERTAIN POST LIMIT REWARDS WILL BE RAISED. (If there is only 18 posts for example on gold ,and if gold wins ,and there's 22 ccs that need to be given out the CCS roll over to the top of the leaderboard down to the bottom. So the first four would get 2) 100 POSTS- 18 CCS FOR TOP 18 200 POSTS - 22 CCS FOR TOP 22 300 POSTS - 25 CCS FOR TOP 25 400 POSTS - 30 CCS FOR TOP 30 500 POSTS- 32 CCS FOR TOP 32 600 POSTS- 34 CCS FOR TOP 34 700 POSTS- 36 CCS FOR TOP 36 800 POSTS 38 CCS FOR TOP 38 900 POSTS 40 CCS FOR TOP 40 1K POSTS 45 CCS FOR TOP 45
    12 points
  17. DAMN those mons. I want them all... I guess Im to late to get some likes, but let me flex my stuff Im from Silver What are better than normal Pokémon with insane stats? Legends with epic stats, especially when you dont use rerolls on them. This is a old screenshot, where Suicune could got Water Absorb as hidden ability - back then the days where there was neither Black MS nor IV or Nature rerolls. You know what that means Im not even sure if I rerolled the IV's here. I think I used 1 or 2 rerolls on it. insane 25+ on a legend and also the low ATK flex for less Foul Play damage. It may not seem to epic, but I wanted three legendaries for the triple flex + I didnt use a IV Reroll on Manaphy. It has HP fire which is very fun to play and over all very good stats except SPDEF
    12 points
  18. Gold Server IGN: Wangzii Just want to show one of the best Jangmo-o that is within my collection
    12 points
  19. IGN: Bingedrinker Team: Gold Server First 2 from exca (#bringitback) And my favorite non OT
    11 points
  20. Team : Gold Server To follow the rules, that was really hard to choose only 3 shiny to flex But I finnally picked some to make everydody happy : 1 - The cutest shiny poke ever (after zorua of course) : Eevee ! Every shiny collector dreams about this poke I choose this one in particular because it's the older one that I got long time ago (as you can see, the xp bar is at 0XP, thing that has been changed few years ago already). 2 - The awesome shiny OT one : Ralts Trace ! When some players are farming hours and hours to get a shiny or pink one (coucou Hama), It was not my case. Let me tell you his story. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... There was an amazing quest called "Reporter quest" in Solaceon in Sinnoh. I was doing it with my main account Rharomy. After that, I was going to make dig spots (told you, it was a long time ago...) below the city. I made only 3 steps in the herbs, a wild pokemon appeared : Shiny ralts. That was a good day 3 - The pvp amazing IV shiny : Chansey ! To make everybody happy, I couldn't forget to flex an awesome pvp shiny like that. Really boring to face him but really cool to play. Thanks for reading ! If you want to check my complete gen1/2 shiny collection, you can follow this link : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/157840-rharomys-gen12-shiny-collection/ The gen3 is about to be presented soon on this forum. May the flex be with you guys !
    10 points
  21. Hi im from Silver Server! Super shiny Digger, 30/29 Keldeo and Volcanion !!
    10 points
  22. Madtrainer - Silver Server ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    10 points
  23. Gold Server OT GANG @PinkRalts @Pinklax @MaitrePoulpe ! Imagine not flexing OT pokes . My Top 3 for the flex contest : I had caught it on the 1st of December 2020 during the World Quest. My best Event pokes : Got it at the 10th Gible, sheer luck. All my guildmates were mad at me . Got the H.A without bms at the 2nd Valentine World Quest iirc. Don't need to tell you what happened next . My 1st ever Xmas Lopunny dropped at Xmas 2020, + she's female gg wp . Dropped it at the 2018 Easter Event while i was hunting Larvesta for straight 18 days. He had failed sync into Naive which was perfect. Semi fails ( Vietnam Flashbacks activated ) :
    9 points
  24. SILVER SERVER My Biggest Flex I caught it at the last Halloween event:
    8 points
  25. Electrocute4u - Gold First Magikarp I got from the old man selling them at the Pokecenter outside Mt.Moon entrence. It happened to be a shiny, the perfect Nature IMO and decent stats, besides DEF OwO This is basically just a beast. But wish it had its SPD set to at least above 20. The most random and luckiest encounter and catch ever. I was just roaming around the map to sell my big pearl in Kanto when I suddenly stumbled across this one in 2018. I did not even know it was Clone Event nor where they spawned. And suddenly found this rare Pokemon. And it has been a beast ever since. I never got a accurate PC, since nobody knew its exact value back in 2018.
    8 points
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